WRC Mourns Loss of Our Friend and Colleague, Mike Shaughnessy

On Thursday, July 11th we learned of the unexpected death of our friend and colleague, Mike Shaughnessy. Mike had worked at WRC as finance manager since he was 21 years old, and for more than 30 years was central to the operation of the Commission and our strong financial integrity. He was a resource for our towns and a leader among the regional planning commission financial managers.

Mike was our friend. His warmth and approachability made him our unofficial "staff psychologist." Because he managed leave and benefits he'd often be the first person to become aware of events in his colleagues' lives. His long tenure here meant that he shared his life's journey with those of other long-serving staff. We will miss him dearly. The sense of shock and grief are still present as we write this two weeks later.

To say that Mike loved and was deeply committed to his family and his community is an understatement. Our hearts go out to Tracie, Ryan and Jordan as they've lost husband, caregiver and father. We are also mindful of the friend that Bellows Falls has lost. Mike loved his hometown.

We are in the process of ensuring the continuity of our financial operations. We have retained interim bookkeeping service until we fill the Finance Manager position. Please contact Executive Director Chris Campany with any questions.

Last Updated: 07 January 2021
Home News WRC Mourns Loss of Our Friend and Colleague, Mike Shaughnessy